
Posts Tagged ‘productivity’

Markdown For Writers

September 10th, 2013 No comments

I’m a big fan of anything that makes writing easier. Imagine, for example, that formatting a draft was as easy as adding punctuation.

Enter Markdown. Read more…

Writers Write – Seeing the Cliché Through New Eyes

April 9th, 2013 No comments

Another one of those writing maxims and possibly the most obvious, and self-descriptive one of all. So what could I possibly have to say about the advice that “writers write”? Read more…

10 apps to increase your focus

July 9th, 2010 No comments

Here is the promised list of productivity applications that aim to get you focussed during a writing session. It took a little longer than expected because I wanted to represent Windows users as well as I could (productivity tools seem to be a much healthier sub-culture on Macs for some reason). So behold a great list below of tools to focus for both Mac and Windows writers! Read more…

5 great posts on finding time to write

March 27th, 2010 No comments

Time. A lack of time seems to be the bane of everyone’s lives. For those struggling to write, it’s one of the first and most vital problems to solve. Unless you give up the day job, carve out plenty of alone time away from your partner, freinds and kids, and maintain a healthy level of discipline, it’s a problem that’s not likely to ever get completely solved (even if you do manage all of those things, you still have to fit in time to promote yourself and your books). Read more…

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