Splitting Time Between Writing Projects
I have two stories waiting for edits. I need to keep them moving, but I don’t want to stop writing new material. How can I juggle my projects more effectively? Read more…
I have two stories waiting for edits. I need to keep them moving, but I don’t want to stop writing new material. How can I juggle my projects more effectively? Read more…
I have been considering working at night. Since the bubba came I am dog tired. But it’s surprising how much you can do on little sleep. So here’s what I’ve been thinking – I have to get up around 3 in the morning anyway to feed the boy. Why not stay up an extra hour and get some writing done? Read more…
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I would try and set some time aside to finally finish something. It didn’t go according to plan, but in trying to carry on in what little time I had, something really hit me – editing takes AGES! Read more…
There is change coming for me – big time! A little boy is on his way, and I’m thrilled and nervous in equal measure. Apart from any other concerns this monumental life upheaval brings (am I exaggerating? I have no idea), there is the question of how I’m going to fit writing into this new life. Read more…
Yes! Okay, so you can see I’ve already made my mind up. Maybe you want a little more though? Fine, come on in! Read more…
Those following the blog, and my tweets will have seen my enthusiastic delve into the world of interactive fiction. With that series nearing its end (there’s still a couple of posts in it, so don’t despair IF fans), I thought I’d take a little time to review this period when I rediscovered IF. Just to be clear, this post is not about interactive fiction, but a reflection on the last few weeks. Read more…
By cripes and jiminy, my novel is coming on slowly! This is fine in a way. Once completed it will be the first novel I have penned ’til the end. But it doesn’t half create some uncertainty. Read more…
Time. A lack of time seems to be the bane of everyone’s lives. For those struggling to write, it’s one of the first and most vital problems to solve. Unless you give up the day job, carve out plenty of alone time away from your partner, freinds and kids, and maintain a healthy level of discipline, it’s a problem that’s not likely to ever get completely solved (even if you do manage all of those things, you still have to fit in time to promote yourself and your books). Read more…
Well, it’s the end of another year. Goodbye 2009. And hello 2010! I hope you all had great new year celebrations, and are looking forward to a whole new year of writing improvement! Of course, a new year is traditionally a time of reflection, and of goal setting. Today, I have been looking over the stats I gathered last year to see how I’ve been doing and what I need to improve on. Read more…
I am currently waiting for my train to arrive. Time for a blog post. Read more…