
Posts Tagged ‘Freemind’

What is freehand good for?

August 6th, 2011 4 comments

In this technology driven society, we get used to hearing that things are, or are soon-to-be obsolete. It’s almost never the case of course. We still have theatre, radio, books etc. Remember Egon in Ghostbusters saying, “print is dead”?

Another example – I remember thinking, why would I ever write something freehand again, when electronic typing is so convenient? But it certainty has its uses. Read more…

10 apps to increase your focus

July 9th, 2010 No comments

Here is the promised list of productivity applications that aim to get you focussed during a writing session. It took a little longer than expected because I wanted to represent Windows users as well as I could (productivity tools seem to be a much healthier sub-culture on Macs for some reason). So behold a great list below of tools to focus for both Mac and Windows writers! Read more…

What Do You Do When You Get A New Idea?

April 9th, 2009 No comments

Some people have to search for new ideas, or need to find ways of generating them. For a lot of people, a new idea is precious. So, what do you do to look after this delicate and valuable seed? Read more…

Freemind – a note-taking tool

February 19th, 2009 No comments

freemind logoOne aspect of writing I really enjoy is note-taking.

In the early stages of a project it feels really creative to get some ideas down and start shaping the thing that’s lurking in your mind. And it’s most joyous when it is as instant as possible. It allows me space to think, generate more ideas and importantly, not forget any! (How many times have you been writing a paragraph where an idea to include in the next paragraph comes to you, only for you to forget it by the time you’re ready to write it?)

One fantastic piece of software I use for this is Freemind. Read more…