So, a couple of weeks ago we went through some reasons not to show your work. These were arguably (indeed, I did argue it) good, solid reasons depending on where you were at in your project. But there are bad reasons as well. Reasons that must not be countenanced! Follow me… Read more…
Recently, I returned my attention to an older project that I really wanted to sink my teeth into. When I last left it, I’d received feedback from one of my friends who told me, in no uncertain terms, that it sucked. This is fair enough. One of the things you have to learn as a writer (or as someone who works in any artistic medium) is to learn how to take criticism. So, after lots of bawling, and weeping, and casting curses on his name, I actually sat down and looked at the feedback he’d given me. Namely the ‘it sucks’ part. Read more…
This came up in the comments of a recent blog post on writing speed. Unfortunately it’s not the case with me, but there are no doubt people out there holding on to work, and not giving it the airing it deserves. So, what are you waiting for, and when exactly should you show your work to someone? Read more…