
Posts Tagged ‘about Getmewriting’


January 29th, 2009 No comments

I am what might be very loosely termed ‘a writer’. You won’t find me on your bookshelves, or in your magazines or newspapers (you might find me on other websites, if you look really really hard). So, I’ve not been published, or got that far in the attempt, but writing has interested me throughout my teenage years and all of my adult life. Creative Writing formed a large part of my degree in fact.

So I do know a little. but it’s such a struggle putting anything in to practice! What I need, I’ve decided, is some kind of external pressure. What if I had someone I had to constantly update on my progress? I might even be able to help other people to write in the process! That someone is you, and this blog is the method by which I will do it. This blog will get me writing!

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