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Time (keeps on slipping…)

February 12th, 2009 Matt Leave a comment Go to comments
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Time is one of my biggest enemies when it comes to writing. I would guess that this is probably true of most people struggling to getting in to writing. I dare say that I will return to this topic a few times.

I have a full-time job, and commute to work, which means that I am usually home around eight in the evening, and very brain-tired by that time (I couldn’t profess to being physically tired as I sit at a desk all day). I have a wife who likes to see as much of me as possible (and who could blame her?), so getting to close the door for a time and write can be problematic.

Last year we moved house, to a bigger place, so the next thing will be kids (as everyone keeps reminding me). So I have decided it is more important than ever to get into a routine now. Okay, there’s not much chance that I can carry that routine through when the inevitable happens, but at least I will have proved to my self that I have the discipline to do something.

So, here is the plan for getting in to regular writing:

1. Write on the train. I commute by train, and although I start work (as in my day job) on the train there, on the way back I tend to do my own thing. I’m using this for more light-weight writing, as I have about half an hour to forty five minutes to work. So this will be for notes, blog-writing, a bit of light internet research, and the collaboration I am doing with a couple of friends at the moment (as it is in smaller chunks).

2. Get up early at the weekend. I sleep in too much at the weekend anyway, then I get all groggy and want to spend the rest of the day sleeping too! So, I’ve decided to make something of that time I’d be wasting. On Saturdays I now get up early, leave my other half in bed, and sneak over to the office to do some writing.

So far so good. At least the routine has got this blog up and running, even if I don’t always stick to it. I also now have a plan for the year and a few notes to work with.

I’m sure that there are many of us in the same situation. If you have any stories or tips for finding the time to write, please share! Please!

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